Double Cut

Open Concept Hot Wire Machine

Double Cut is a 2 in one CNC foam cutting machine designed to cut expanded polystyrene blocks along 4 different sides, ensuring the highest accuracy.
This hotwire foam cutter utilizes CNC technology and is equipped with 8 independent axes. Additionally, it offers the option to add a vertical turntable and a horizontal lathe as extra axes.
With Double Cut, it is possible to execute cuts along all 4 sides of the foam blocks without the need to move or rotate them, providing a simple yet efficient solution for complex foam cutting. The cutting process employed by Double Cut is highly efficient and accurate, eliminating the necessity to move or turn the foam block and ensuring the retention of the center point.
Double Cut is a versatile machine recommended for large-scale production of acoustic insulating panels, foam sheets for external wall insulation systems (EIFS), EPS/XPS slabs, inserts for blocks, and various other 2D and 3D shapes.

Features two cutting planes with wires positioned orthogonally
These two cutting planes have been specially designed for companies that require cuts along four sides of EPS / XPS blocks while maintaining the position of the foam blocks.
With traditional single hot-wire CNC foam cutters, the operator needs to rotate the block of expanded polystyrene, which may lead to losing the center position on the tabletop when performing such cutting processes.
However, Double Cut, with its two cutting wires positioned orthogonally it can process the EPS/XPS blocks while ensuring perfect parallelism between the cuts on the different sides. This capability guarantees precise and accurate cuts on all four sides without the risk of losing alignment during the cutting process.

8 independent axes and vertical turntable controlled by software
The Double Cut Works with 8 independent axes and a Vertical Turntable it can create impressive and highly detailed foam shapes by processing the block of expanded polystyrene along all four sides.
The user-friendly Nettuno software, with its advanced applications, controls all the different steps of the cutting process. This allows for precise and intricate cuts on the foam block, enabling the creation of intricate and complex foam shapes with ease. The combination of the versatile hardware and intuitive software ensures efficient and accurate foam cutting, making Double Cut a powerful pantograph for foam shaping and design.

One control for the work plans
The two cutting wires of Double Cut are managed by a single control system, which ensures seamless coordination of the entire machine despite having two work planes. The Nettuno software is designed to accurately recognize the position of both wires throughout the cutting process, preventing any collisions between them.

This capability of the Double Cut eliminates the risk of wire collisions and saves valuable time and money for operators. They no longer need to waste time replacing cutting wires after collisions, ensuring a smooth and efficient foam cutting process. With Double Cut, operators can confidently work with two cutting planes without any worries about wire interference, leading to increased productivity and cost-effectiveness.

Our console, included with our CNC machines, provides a sturdy structure designed to ensure reliability and functionality. With its robustness and practicality, it’s intended to optimize efficiency and comfort during work operations. The component based console make any required diagnostic work to easily be completed.

The Handheld Remote allows you to perform various operations: Jog Moving, Play / Pause, Stop, Adjust Cutting Speed, Rotate Turntable and Control the Position of Axes.


- Steel Structure
- Precision Guides
- Scroll Rollers
- Wireless Keypad

Software Reimagined.

The team at Nettuno take a revolutionary approach to the patented software that runs their machines, creating beautifully simple and functional interfaces.

With limitless functionality and seamless integration with your design process, you owe it to yourself to find out how this system can make your work flow simpler.

More About Nettuno Advanced Hot Wire Systems

Nettuno provides Italian-made manufacturing hot wire solutions for the foam industry with a wide array of options designed to meet your specific needs and preferences. Don't see what you need? Ask us.

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